Peach and Mayonnaise Sandwich

From 1001 Sandwiches (1936)

Peach and Mayonnaise Sandwich

Add a tablespoon of sugar to two cups of chopped peaches. Add a dozen olives stones and chopped and enough heavy white mayonaise to moisten. Mix. Butter half the bread slices and spread the other half with mayonnaise mixture. Garnish each sandwich with a candied charry, fitted into a little hollow in the bread. A thin slice of white chicken meat may be used in each sandwich if desired.

It was so strange, I needed to try it. How would I know how terrible it was unless I actually tried it? I will admit I held a closely held hope that surely no one would publish such a disharmonious collection of ingredients unless the combination, through some alchemy, contrived to be delicious?

Reader, I was wrong.

This was about exactly as terrible as you would expect it to be. It wasn’t even the olives that were the worst. It was the sugary mayonnaise with peaches. Then add chicken to that, and the slightly greasy mouthfeel of cold butter.


I spend an hour making candied cherries for this