Lima Bean Sandwich

From 1001 Sandwiches (Cowles, 1936)

Lima Bean Sandwich

Two-thirds cup cold, boiled, skinned lima beans mashed, moisten with cream, season and mix with the juice of one lemon. Spread on white or graham bread.

I happen to have dried lima beans, so I had to try this. Soaked overnight, boiled with a bit of salt until soft, squeezed them out of their tough outer skin, mashed them with a fork, and then pressed them through a sieve for good measure.

This was actually tasty.

I thought it would be horrible, with lemon curdled cream and lima bean paste. It could maybe have benefitted from a bit of paprika or something, but it tasted of an almost buttery umami with the tang of lemon. My partner refused to try it, on account of it being lima bean paste. I would eat it again if I happen to be making something with lima beans.

I’m not trying baked beans and apple butter, though. Even I have some standards.