Peanut-Butter, Green Pepper and Celery Sandwich

I ate a peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwich. I really have no excuse for this other than maybe curiosity; I needed to *know*. I should be very grateful I do not live in a Lovecraft story.

A friend sent me the list of Sandwiches: For the Man on Duty, which I’m guessing is from around 1943. I do not actually know where it’s originally from.


1/2 cup peanut butter

2 tablespoons chopped green pepper

1 teaspoon minced onion

2 tablespoons celery

1/4 cup mayonaise

Combine ingredients and spread on any desired slice of bread. Cover with another buttered slice of bread and cut as desired or use for openface sandwiches

It took a bit to psych myself into actually eating it, but it was surprisingly not completely and utterly terrible. Not sure I’d go so far as good, but significantly less horrific than expected.

Mayonnaise isn’t really noticeable, other than as a slight tang and savor to the peanut butter. It definitely makes it softer and gooier, though. Vegetables add crunch and sharp, herbaceous notes of flavor.

It had a terrible aftertaste, though. I don’t know that I would eat it again.